Intermediate All Classes Notes (FSc/FA/ICS)



All Intermediate Notes (تمام انٹرمیڈیٹ کے نوٹس )



Education Notes have own value & importance in students study. If we take intermediate notes as an example then we can evaluate that how many notes available in our education system of intermediate.

There are many education boards in pakistan and every board have own syllabus even every colleges system have its own way to teach students syllabus. Every colleges suggest specific intermediate notes which differ other academies notes. So there is lot of FSC notes papers available on different shops.

When we come online intermediate notes availability then it is very cheap and smart way to get notes quickly. You can download every type of notes with in few minutes. But online non technical student always suffer to download notes papers.


There are many websites provide intermediate class notes but fining notes that you need and download is very difficult. It’s happen because of there are bombarded of unsorted notes like: FSC notes, ICS Notes, FA notes and many others.

Intermediate Notes DataBase

Ilmkiweb have first time take a step to provide intermediate notes papers all classes. So here students of intermediate can download intermediate notes of all types. We have make a large database notes of intermediate with proper sorting and can be download easily.

Demand For Intermediate Notes(Any Notes)

We are try to provide all HSC notes but if we forget any academic notes, please free demand notes by comment in below section. Our team will upload your recommended notes(30 minute) as soon as possible.

You can find this article by searching:

Grade eleven & twelvee class notes, FSC notes, FSC part 1 notes, ICS notes, FSC part 2 notes,  Higher Secondary school notes, ICS notes, FA notes and HSC notes.
