Best Happy New Year 2025 Status Facebook & Whatsapp
Hi friends!! Welcome here. You will get Happy New Year 2025 Status for your friends, family, lovers, parents, relatives. In this post I’m going to share some best new year wishes text for friend. Friends are very important in any one’s life.
Happy New Year 2025 Status: As we all know that valentines day comes every year. On this day people share their love and feelings with their partners plus they also make new friends on this day. Here I will use top images which is related to New Year Day. Happy New Year Status and Images. On this day, people express their love and affection. Check out these amazing wallpapers status, messages, and much more. you can set these wallpapers on your laptops and PC’s or you can share it on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.
Best New Year Status 2025

New Year is most popular and special day for everyone because on this day we think that we are changing, our situation is changing from now. So why not you should also wish your friends and colleagues with these best New Year greetings for 2025.
- Time is flying and we are running, Always in a hurry to achieve our goals. Another new year is coming, Bringing new power and hopes. May this be a better and stronger year full of luck, health, and cheer.
- Smile is beginning of life, a risk is an integral part of life, but New Years are the heavenly gift in our lives. Happy New Year!
- Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don’t need to carry, grudges sadness pain fear and regrets. life is beautiful, enjoy it. Happy New Year 2025
- Just as a new bloom spreads fragrance and freshness around… May the new year add a new beauty and freshness into your life. Happy New Year 2025
- Glory to God in highest heaven, Who unto man His Son hath given; While angels sing with tender mirth, A glad new year to all the earth.
Best Happy New Year 2025 Status and Messages
Are you looking for new year resolution ideas, status and messages ? Here you will get some cute and best resolution ideas for this new year. Every person celebrates New year with full of happiness. It’s 2016. How are you going to make this year the best yet?
- We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.
- I wish all my friends and family – new and old – a happy new year. Hope the new year brings you all good health and may god bless you all! Happy New Year 2025 🎊 🎉 🎊
- When the New Year arrives, it brings new ideas and hopes for us to make our lives good to better and better to best. Happy New Year!
- There are two types of human beings found on Facebook. One who gets an enormous amount of likes and comments on their posts. And the others are men. Happy new year!
- Year is neither end or nor beginning But a going on, with all the wisdom that Experience can instill in us,We wish you New Year 2025 Status
- If you were born in September, it’s pretty safe to assume that your parents started their new year with a BANG!
- If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it – (William Arthur Ward)
- Tonight Mayans would be preparing the day before the new year celebrations, not the end of the World if they would exist today.
- I made no resolutions for the New Year, The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.
- A new chapter unfolds, a new story to be told, we say hello to the new, we say goodbye to the old. Have a blessed new year.
- Counting my blessings and wishing you more. Hope you enjoy the New Year in store. Have a joyous New Year, my dear friend!
- Thinks that 2025 is going to be the year when miracles happen, wishes are granted and dreams finally come true. 2025 is going to be my year.
- 3 Golden Rules for 2025 1) Actions speak louder then words; 2) Don’t say it if you don’t mean it; 3) You’re special – don’t let anyone take you for granted.
- Out with the old and boring, in with the new and exciting… Welcome to the next chapter in my life! The new year will be my year.
- Dear New Year, Please let me, my family, my colleagues, my clients and my friends be just happy in this time.
Happy New Year Status for Friends and Family

- I am so lucky to be your girlfriend. Your warmth and compassion show through in everything you do. Wish you a happy, hopeful and bountiful New Year to you my love. 🙂
- If my wishes come true, we’ll be together in 2025. I look forward to a very happy year.
- Good news for you….the New Year 2025 falls on Sunday this time…. Party harder …it’s holiday today.
- The new year will be like old one if are doing the old things. Try to do something new.
- I’m sending you the New Year wishes full of love, joy, happiness, peace and blessings.
- May you achieve the goals of your life this year. Happy New Year!!
- I wish you pass the entire year with lots of happiness. Have a prosperous life this year and in further years of life. Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year 2025 WhatsApp Status
Hello Friends, we all are waiting for Happy New Year 2025 celebration me and my team is doing a great job for you all guys make this Happy New Year Day happiness with joy,we are here to provide all solution to all our readers in this post going to share you Advance Happy New Year 2025 status SMS. This all quotes are very special for you and specially prepared for you. So just read this whole quotes and enjoy your new year party just below you can see the best happy new year 2025 WhatsApp status and SMS. Wish I hope you surely like this article. WhatsApp is now a day viral in the whole world it is very simple to send a message to anyone in your WhatsApp contacts. So here I am giving you best Whatsapp status for you. This all status is your WhatsApp profile make very inspiration for others and you will surely like that this all status So, in below you can choose your status and make your profile with Happy New Year 2025 cool status. Just copy it from below and save in your device.
You can share these best Happy New Year 2025 WhatsApp Status with your best Friends, Girlfriend, and Boyfriend. These Islamic New Year Status In English will help you to celebrate Happy New Year by putting this new year status on WhatsApp.
Happy New Year 2025 WhatsApp Status
01) Sometimes you do not understand how much something means to you till it is removed.
02) Perhaps never needing me was the start of me needing myself.
03) Never return to anything busted you.
04) Sometimes I only want I’ could quickly forward the opportunity to find out whether in the end, it is all worthwhile.
05) I began with nothing and still have all of it:-RRB-
06) Be someone who makes everyone feel like a somebody.
07) You have to expect things of yourself before you can perform them.
08) The goal of existence is a life of purpose.
09) Man wants his problems as they’re required to enjoy success.
10) Great fantasies of good dreamers are constantly transcended.
11) To be successful in your assignment, you should have the single-minded dedication to your objective.
12) Life consistently extends to you a second opportunity, Its referred to as ours. .
13) Sweet Dreams, Sleep Tight, ” I adore you, Fantastic Night.
14) Look how they shine for you. .
15) Each Professional was initially an amateur
16) In case you would create something, then you should be something.
17) Experience is the best teacher
18) I’m not dropped, I’m chatting with all the flooring
19) my wallet is really a pumpkin, starting it make me shout
20) I love you more now than yesterday.
Happy New Year 2025 WhatsApp Status For Her
21) I’m not particular, I am only a limited variant.
22) It is difficult to overlook a person who gave you a lot to recall.
23) Enjoy occasionally comes just like a dream and resembles a nightmare.
24) I’ll wed the woman that look as pretty like within her Aadhaar card!!!!
25) Do not play me since I’m the winner. .
26) My design is unique do not copy it!
27) There’s No Scale To Assess the love. .
28) Beauty from skin & Attitude from the gut! . .
Also Read: Happy New Year 2025 Resolutions
29) Diets are tough since I get thirsty.
30) We are living in the age of smartphones and dumb peoples.
31) Only watched the cleverest person once I was in front of the mirror.
32) Do not be so joyful, I do not actually forgive folks, I only pretend like it is fine and await my turn to ruin them.
33) should you would like to create your fantasies come true, the very first thing you need to do is awaken.
34) Silence is a source of fantastic strength.
35) Thousands have lived without love, not only without water.
36) The spirit that’s within me no man can degrade.
37) A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong.
38) is indeed sad to see holiday go, it is straight back to College tomorrow. .
39) One night that I burn in the flame of my all ideas…
40) Its best to be lonely afterward to become Love with erroneous Girl.

2025 New Year WhatsApp Status for Boyfriend
41) I despise the minute,if my anger turns out to tears. .
42) I broke up with my fitness center. We’re simply not exercising.
43) Deal with your issues until they handle your pleasure.
44) My life can be measured in hours
45) I do not value people, I simply clarify them.
46) that I really like to make use of my fantasies instead of someone else.
47) I’m not particular man but they simply call me”LIMITED EDITION”.
48) Every moment I spend with you will be similar to turning fantasies true.
49) Capability to carry failures makes you powerful.
50) Time is valuable waste it sensibly.
51) don’t argue with an idiot, he’ll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
52) A jealous woman does much better search than FBI. Check these Happy New Year 2025 WhatsApp Status for wife.
53) Life is brief. Smile as you still have teeth.
54) I am tired of chasing my dreams, so I am only going to ask them where they are planning and meet them later.
55)”Success” all is contingent on the next letter
56) When Nothing Goes Right…!! Proceed:D
57) nobody is occupied on the planet. Its all about priorities!
58) We do not need to be equally to be buddies. We only need to care for each other!
59) I will see you checking my own whatsapp status.B)
60) Life is the art of drawing with no eraser.
New Year 2025 Cool WhatsApp Status
61) Hakuna Matata!! –the fantastic motto to live existence!!
62) Cost is what you pay. Value is what you receive.
63) The fantastic thing in life are far much better for you personally.
64) Forever is extended time but I would not mind spending all on your side.
65) You make my heart go….
66) Together with you, I ignored the warning signals.
67) Life isn’t occurring but reacting to me!
68) Sleepless Nights, Limitless Fears;
69) You overcome and They evaporate!
70) Words, are of-course that the most effective weapon utilized from the man-kind!
71) I’m a diehard lover of your humor & manners, My Lord!
72) A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.
73) The most amazing thing in this universe would be to find out that your parents smiling and understanding that you’re the cause of that grin.
74) if you’re amazing, that is a present from the parents. Should making your own life beautiful, that is a present for your furry friend.
75) My favorite place in all of the word is alongside you
76) I only had a beautiful injury; I simply fell in love with you.
77) Everyone wants someone in lifetime to continue to. Glad I have you.
78) I don’t actually think of prospective since I have you in my side.
79) Never put on a knee for a woman who will not get on two to you.
80) Forget the things harm you, but not forget what it’s taught you.

New Year Status For Facebook
81) Tomorrow is your very best time to do whatever you’d intended now
82) Life is too short to be worried about dumb things. Take fun, fall in love, and regret nothing.
83) My mindset is dependent on the way to treat me.
84) Always remember you’re unique, exactly like everybody else.
85) I’m multi talented, I can talk and piss you off at precisely the exact same moment.
86) I understand I’m awesome, so I do not care about your view.
87) Do not tell people your fantasies, SHOW THEM!
88) The 3’C of lifestyle: Choices, Odds, Changes.
89) Nothing beats the goal over a strike.
Happy New Year 2025 WhatsApp Status in Spanish
90) Estoy tan dormido que lo haré con mis propios ojos CERRADO
92) si tienes miedo de la existencia, tienes miedo de vivir.
93) No soy obeso, solo soy más fácil de descubrir.
94) No repito ningún error dos veces. 3, 4 instancias podrían ser. Pero nunca doble.
95) Mis amigos dicen que fumar mata lentamente. ¡Oh si! No tengo prisa?
96) A menos que su título sea GOOGLE, deje de comportarse como si f * cking lo entendiera todo.
97) Muchas personas de hoy requieren un ALTO CINCO, en la cara con un asiento.
98) No me asustes que respondo fácilmente.
99) Mi dolor favorito estaría en mis entrañas si mis amigos me hacen reír demasiado fuerte
100) En caso de que falle el plan A, tenga en cuenta que tiene 25 cartas abandonadas.
Happy New Year 2025 Classy WhatsApp Status
Might the New Year provides you the power to handle the troubles of courage and life to correct the sail to carry every single situation into an own stride.
New Year may be your opportunity to consider all of the memories we all talk, each of the entertaining things we all did all of the keys we all pumped out to get space is your previous thing which may cause a rift within our friendship.
Can the New Year enhances our own life by means of your love, closeness, and discussing! Happy New Year 2025, My Dear Sweet Heart!
Might this Year isn’t just a replica of older customs – can you reevaluate your self and embark on a trip packed with delight and experience. Joyful New Calendar Year!
The brand new 12 months stands, like a chapter at a publication, ready for composing. We might help compose that narrative by establishing aims.
Here is hoping the New Year it attracts a Great Deal of cheer along with good things Additionally expecting that this Season brings heaps of Fantastic pleasure Along With yet an Excess twist to assist out together with your resolutions Joyful New Year 2025
10, eight, eight, seven, five, six, four, four, two, yippee! It is Brand New Calendar Year! Joyful New Year my dear buddy.
Might this New Year provides you with Immense contentment in everything you really do Can the tease provides you the noise of triumph on your ear frees you a happy year.
Tamil New Year 2025 Whatsapp Status
- Putiya āṇṭiṟku nāṉ mikavum makiḻcciyaṭaikiṟēṉ. Turatirṣṭavacamāka, nāṉ ēṟkaṉavē cariyāṉavaṉāka iruppatāl enta tīrmāṉaṅkaḷum eṉṉiṭam illai.
- Putiya cintaṉai maṟṟum putiya nampikkai, putiya apilāṣaikaḷ maṟṟum putiya nōkkam, puttāṇṭai varavēṟka, enta payamum illāmal cirittuk koṇṭē iruṅkaḷ.
- Eṉṉa naṭantatu eṉpatai māṟṟa yārum cariyāṉa nērattil tirumpic cella muṭiyātu, eṉavē uṅkaḷai oru aṟputamāṉa etirkālamāka māṟṟa uṅkaḷ nikaḻkālattil vēlai ceyyuṅkaḷ. Puttāṇṭu vāḻttukka
- Puttāṇṭu vāḻttukkaḷ. Atika uṇavu, cārāyam maṟṟum mantamāṉa nilaiyil putiya toṭakkattait toṭaṅkuvatu iṅkē.
- Puṉṉakaiyai vaittiruṅkaḷ, kaṇṇīrai viṭṭu viṭuṅkaḷ, cirippaip piṭittuk koḷḷuṅkaḷ, valiyai viṭṭu viṭuṅkaḷ, makiḻcciyai niṉaittup pāruṅkaḷ, payattai maṟantu makiḻcciyāka iruṅkaḷ’kāraṇam itu putiya āṇṭu.
- Puttāṇṭu viṭiyumpōtu, atu oru pirakācamāṉa nāḷai aḷikkum vākkuṟutikaḷāl nirappappaṭṭirukkum eṉṟu nampukiṟēṉ. Puttāṇṭu vāḻttukkaḷ!
- Ciṟiya vicaikaḷ periya pūṭṭukaḷait tiṟakkiṉṟaṉa; eḷiya vārttaikaḷ ciṟanta eṇṇaṅkaḷai piratipalikkiṉṟaṉa; uṅkaḷ puṉṉakai itayat tokutikaḷai kuṇappaṭuttum; eṉavē cirittuk koṇṭē iruṅkaḷ, atu pāṟaikaḷ. Puttāṇṭu vāḻttukkaḷ 2019!
- Uṅkaḷ tīmaikaḷuṭaṉ eppōtum pōril iruṅkaḷ, uṅkaḷ ayalavarkaḷuṭaṉ camātāṉamāka iruṅkaḷ, ovvoru puttāṇṭum uṅkaḷai oru ciṟanta naparākak kāṇaṭṭum.
Paḻaiyavaṟṟōṭu, putiyavaṟṟuṭaṉ: Āṇṭu muḻuvatum nīṅkaḷ makiḻcciyāka irukkaṭṭum. Puttāṇṭu vāḻttukkaḷ!
Happy New Year 2025 WhatsApp Status in Hindi
उस मोड़ से शुरू करनी है फिर से जिंदगी,
जहाँ सारा शहर अपना था और तुम अजनबी
बनना चाहता था Villain पर साला,,,,
लडकियों ने Hero बना दिया, ,,,,,।
दो हाथ से हम पचास लोगों को नही मार सकते,
पर दो हाथ जोङ कर हम करोङो लोगों का दिल जीत सकते है.
रह गई हमारी अधूरी कहानी #Don’t WorrY☺
अभी तो बहुत है जवानी पटाएगे फिर एक #महारानी
फिर लिखी जाएगी #Is #HerO की नई प्रेम #kahani
दुनियादारी की चादर ओढ़ी है,
पर जिस दिन दिमाग सटका ना,
इतिहास तो इतिहास,
भूगोल भी बदल देंगे।
❥❥❥➟बहुत ही *खूबसूरत* *लम्हा* था वो ,,,
,,,,जब उसने कहा था
*मुझे* *तुमसे* *मोहब्बत* *है* *और* *तुमसे* *ही* *रहेगी*
Bhai Digree तुझे किसी भी कॉलेज में मिलेगी पर,
नॉलेज तो तुझे मेरे Status से ही मिलेगा.
हमारी नियत का पता तुम क्या लगाओगे गालिब,
हम तो नर्सरी में थे तब भी मैडम अपना पल्लू सही रखती थी.
सेल्फ़ी लेते टाइम लड़की का और
बीड़ी सुलगाते टाइम आदमी का मुंह एक जैसा होता है.
New Year Attitude status for Facebook Whatsapp 2025
किसी के पास Ego है तो किसी के पास Attitude…
हमारे पास तो एक दिल है, वो भी बड़ा Cute.
हमारे जीने का तरीका थोड़ा @# अलग है, हम उमीद # पर नहीं अपनी जिद # पर जीते है!!
बाप के सामने अय्याशी… और हमारे सामने बदमाशी.. बेटा, भूल कर भी मत करियो.
सिखा सिखा के जालिम ने जेबकतरा बना डाला वो मेरी.. और मैं अपने बाप की कतरता रहा उम्र भर #attitude
काश कोई उसे बता दें कि इस #FUNNY_FACE के पीछे भी #DIL है,
जो उसके लिए #PAGAL
धोखा देने की बात मत कर पगली,
यहाँ #Wish पूरी ना होने पे लोग #भगवान बदल देते है….तो तू क्या चीज है.
ज्यादा #Smart बनने की कोशिश मत कर पगले क्योंकि
मेरे #बाल भी तेरे #औकात से लंबे है.
Attitude status for Facebook Whatsapp 2025
मेरे पास #Jaanu #Baby कहने वाली #Gf नहीं है तो क्या हुआ,
मेरे पास #Raja Beta कहने वाली #MAA तो है, जो मुझसे बहोत प्यार करती है
जो सुधरे वो हम नहि ओर हमे सुधारे इतना दुनिया मे दम नहीं…”
New Year Attitude status for Facebook Whatsapp 2025
मेरी बाइक की “horn”##?सुनकर वो ##बदहवास##”दौड़ कर घर ??से बाहर आती है।
##@”बोलती तो कुछ नही पर मन ही मन सोचती होगी “#आ गया मेरा##”हीरो”##???
?पढाई करो ?फेल होने से ☝मत ड़रो ?
?लाईन? मारो ?सेंड़ल पड़ने से ☝मत
ड़रो ✋प्रपोज करो
#गोपिया ??तो आज भी# पट जाऍगी लेकिन #मुझे अपनी रूठी? हुई राधा ??#ही चाहिए
So this was all about Happy New Year 2025 Status, Messages, and Greetings. Let us know if there any new suggestions.