Top 10 Life Insurance Companies in Pakistan

Accident is a part of Human life and one accident can change the life completely. No one know what happened on the next moment, may you meet with accident, getting ill or happen some other tragedy. Death is a fact of life either we believe or not but we bear this bitter truth. Sometime we do mistake and not care of our health and play with risk. Life is so unpredictable bad time comes any time and we always ready to face it.

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Good Heath is key of better life, in recent era life insurance also important because recent peoples are stuck in more than one jobs they not care of own diet, careless about health and drive rashly on road, so we have to think about yourself and others.

Top 10 Life Insurance Companies in Pakistan


insurance of health actually a Bema policy that pay medical bill of a person so in future if he/she ate become victim of any health problem then his saving become right hand in form of insurance. By health perspective a good insurance company makes a schedule in which you will have to pay some money at the end of every month and whenever you are in trouble due to any problem like accident or health problem then insure will return your money with premium or pay your hospital charges. You can take insurance according to your salary. Some government companies and private companies provide opportunity and facilitate their servants by detecting some income but foreign countries insurance is a law and every citizen have rights  to take advantage of this facility.

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Now you now that insurance take care of us economically so if you decide to get benefit of insurance then you should know about some good and top insurance companies in Pakistan. There are number of insurance companies in the world however we have selected the best and top 10 insurance companies in Pakistan that work efficiently and fulfill the needs of their customers. life insurance policy may be different of each company so read carefully their insurance policies.

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Here is Top 10 insurance Companies in Pakistan that are providing the insurance packages for your everything.

  1. IGI Insurance Limited
  2. East West Life Assurance Company
  3. New Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited
  4. East West Life Assurance Company
  5. Data Bank International
  6. Eastern Federal Union
  7. ASif Puri & Co. (Pvt) Ltd
  8. Efu life assurance ltd
  9. State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan
  10. Expert Witness Services Pvt Limited, Pakistan

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